Project: Streaming Music Web-server (Road Map)
So for this project I plan to create a streaming music web server. Before we get into the steps I will explain what I plan to accomplish.
So first on this journey I plan to setup a git hub account and make my code available for anyone who wishes to follow along.
I plan to create the server using raspberry pi installing Apache and My SQL and PHP. I will be creating standard html pages using jQuery for for functionality.
I am looking for the server to be able to scan my collection, store it into the database and read any meta data and store that as well. The server should also be able to stream my music and allow me to create play lists.
Why would I want to do this? I like to tinker 🙂 and the best way to learn and keep your skills sharp is by doing. If you want something that is already built I would suggest Plex, Kodi or Ampache.
So I will start this project relatively soon, and hope to do weekly to bi-weekly updates. If this works out well I may try doing other projects like this. Please stay tune and leave feed back 🙂