April 2021 Battle Plan
There is a lot going on in my life and I am enjoying every minute of it. With that being said I have been really laxed with making updates on the site.
For starters I have been working on three projects in a rotation, one is the Comic Book Tracker application, the other is an update to the Memory Work out app, and final and new plugin for the popular Kodi media system. I have been doing three day rotation working on each app as to avoid burn out.
With that being said work has been stepping up its demands as well. I have also been trying to stay some what active and get some exercise in these pandemic times. With that being said I still do want to provide useful information and commentary on this site with all things technology related.
So I have to say again I will try to post more updates. I am going to try and start small and focus on one good update a week 😛
I still plan to continue the exercise of building my own music streaming server as well as other projects that have capture my attention.
Please be patient with me, I am only human and there is a LOT of things pulling for my attention. I will do better 🙂