Streaming Music Web-server pt8
So last time we are able to get some information from a mp3 file and output it to a screen as well as a text file. So now we are going to work on what we would do with that data with our music server.
…So last time we are able to get some information from a mp3 file and output it to a screen as well as a text file. So now we are going to work on what we would do with that data with our music server.
…So again focusing on small chunks we will create another piece for our music server. Again remember DO NOT reinvent the wheel.
…So let’s continue on with our music server in small chunks 🙂 For today we are going to scan the directory and output the results to our browser.
…So before we get started with coding I need to make sure we have another tool in our toolbox to make the process more efficient.
…First let me just say I know it has been about five months and I have been a real slacker. I have been working on so many projects but I meant well 😉